C. Adam Schlosser

Dr. C. Adam Schlosser is currently a Senior Research Scientist and Deputy Director at the MIT Center for Sustainability Science and Strategy. His primary interests are the modeling, prediction, and risk assessment of the natural, managed, and built water-energy-land systems. Dr. Schlosser has also undertaken studies of hydrology, weather, and climate and their predictability and limits-to-prediction. In doing so, he has worked with a wide range of numerical models, ranging from process-level to global-scale models, as well as observational data for evaluation and complementary analyses. He also has participated in and led international experiments aimed to assess the performance of Earth-system model components and predictions. Other collaborative research activities include extreme events; water-resource risk assessments to inform mitigation and adaptation strategies; biodiversity; global soil sinks of hydrogen, and renewable-energy resource and intermittency assessments.