News + Media
In The News
MIT CS3 Deputy Director C. Adam Schlosser assesses worst-case climate impacts on human populations (Geographical)
News Release
MIT Energy Initiative
MIT Energy Initiative Senior Research Engineer/CS3 faculty affiliate Howard Herzog discusses innovative ways to extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and their challenges (MIT Energy Initiative)
News Release
MIT CS3 Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev helps formulate government’s carbon capture action plan
News Release
MIT News
MIT President Sally Kornbluth discusses glacier-related sea-level rise and potential mitigation solutions with geophysicist Brent Minchew, a CS3 faculty affiliate (MIT News)
News Release
Modeling improvements needed to provide more reliable guidance to decision-makers, finds MIT CS3-led study
News Release
MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
MIT Assistant Professor/CS3 faculty affiliate César Terrer discusses pioneering volcano research to track carbon dynamics in tropical forests (MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
News Release
MIT News
MIT CS3-affiliated oceanographer and biogeochemist Andrew Babbin has voyaged around the globe to investigate marine microbes and their influence on ocean health (MIT News)
News Release
MIT School of Science
CS3-affiliated specialist in paleoclimate and geochronology is known for contributions to education and community (MIT School of Science)
In The News
The Hill
Federal climate inaction imperils property insurance and disaster relief programs amid increase in extreme weather events, say CS3-affiliate/MIT Professor of Management Emeritus Henry Jacoby and co-authors (The Hill)
News Release
MIT News
MIT study shows that a diversified portfolio of CDR options delivers the best return on investment
In The News
MIT Climate Portal
ASK MIT CLIMATE: CS3 Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev responds to reader's question (MIT Climate Portal)
MIT Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab
The grantees will explore different strategies to support sustainable agricultural practices across India (MIT J-WAFS)