Global Change Forum

The MIT Global Change Forum has gained an international reputation for serious, frank, informed discussion of global change issues. Forum meetings provide a non-official, neutral setting for analysis and discussion of science and policy aspects of global environmental change, and for independent assessment of studies and policy proposals.


Each Forum convenes approximately 100 invited representatives of industry, government, non-governmental organizations, national and international policymaking bodies, and research groups.

Participants include experts from MIT and other universities and government research laboratories, high-level representatives from the ongoing IPCC effort, and representatives of industries with interests in the effects of global change and related issues, industrial economics and energy technologies.


Crucial to the discussions is the inclusion of professionals directly involved in the policymaking process who possess a broad perspective, but who occupy positions that allow them to speak freely on the critical issues.

This group includes congressional or parliamentary committee staff, government officials at the level of assistant secretary, officials from relevant U.N. organizations and NGOs, officials of regional governmental organizations such as the European Union, and country negotiators in the UNFCCC process.

Forum attendance is by invitation only.
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