GCF XXXVII: Science and Policy Foundations of Post-2020 Actions

Cambridge, MA


Prof. Calestous Juma, Professor of the Practice of Int’l Development, JFK School of Government, Harvard University, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Visiting Professor, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT

SESSION 1: Budget for Cumulative Carbon Emissions

Prof. Myles Allen, Geosystem Science, School of Geography & Environment, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Oxford [PDF]

Prof. Ronald G. Prinn, Co-Director, Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, MIT [PDF]

SESSION 2: COP-21 Prospects

Prof. Henry D. ‘Jake’ Jacoby, Emeritus, Sloan School of Management and Global Change Joint Program, MIT [PDF]

Prof. David G. Victor, Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, Univ. of CA, San Diego [PDF]

SESSION 3: Technology Options in Power and Transportation

Dr. George C. Eads, Senior Consultant, Charles River Associates [PDF]

Dr. Sergey Paltsev, Assistant Director for Economic Research, Global Change Joint Program, MIT [PDF]

SESSION 4: Low Probability-High Impact Climate Risks

Dr. Michael F. Wehner, Senior Staff Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryUniversity of CA, Berkeley

Prof. Tony Payne, Glaciology, School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol

SESSION 5: Risks and Options for Water, Food and Energy

Prof. Wolfram Schlenker, School of International and Public Affairs, and The Earth Institute, Columbia University [PDF]

Prof. Paul Kirshen, Research Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Dept., University of New Hampshire

SESSION 6: Perspectives on a Prospective Post 2020 Agreement

Dr. A. Denny Ellerman, European University Institute, Florence; and Global Change Joint Program, MIT [PDF]

Dr. Jeanne Chi Yun Ng, Director, Group Sustainability, CLP Group

Dr. Jean-Yves Caneill, Head of Climate Policy, Electricité de France

Mr. Reed Schuler, Negotiator, Office of Global Change, U.S. Department of State

Related Media and Events

Presentation Slides
Forum 37, Session 5 (Schlenker): Risks and Options for Water, Food and Energy: Agriculture and the Importance of Extreme Heat
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Forum 37, Session 2 (Victor): Prospects for COP-­21
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Forum 37, Session 1 (Allen): Cumulative carbon and its implications
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Forum 37, Session 6 (Ellerman): Perspectives on a post-­2020 Agreement
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Forum 37, Session 3 (Eads): Technology Options in Transportation
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Forum 37, Session 1 (Prinn): Cumulative Emissions & Costs for Achieving Climate Change Targets
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Forum 37, Session 3 (Paltsev): Technology Options in Power Generation
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Forum 37, Session 2 (Jacoby): Expectations for a New Climate Agreement