Archived project

Integrated Assessment of Multiple Greenhouse Gases, Climate Impacts, and Pollution

This project aims to provide improved understanding of the complex interactions between climate change and conventional air pollution, which are linked because greenhouse gases and conventional air pollutants result from shared generation processes, they interact chemically in the atmosphere, jointly affect climate, and the impacts of these environmental changes have multiple and potentially non- marginal effects on economic activities. Specific areas of the effort are: (1) integration of new and revised components of conventional air pollution modeling into the MIT Integrated System Model (IGSM) to apply in simulation studies, and (2) integration of environmental effects modules into the IGSM to study impacts on human health, agriculture and forestry, energy demand, sea level rise and coastal impacts, water resources.

Project leaders
Sloan; Center for Sustainability Science and Strategy
Center for Sustainability Science and Strategy; Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences