Chien Wang

Research Interests:
Dr. Wang's research interests include cloud dynamics and microphysics, interactions between cloud-scale and large-scale processes, and atmospheric chemistry. He has developed a three-dimensional modeling system to simulate the dynamical, microphysical, and chemical processes of clouds, especially of deep convective clouds. He is also working on a global-scale interactive chemistry and climate model and using this model to study the sensitivity of climate change to atmospheric chemical processes.
Selected Publications:
Wang, C., 2013: Impact of anthropogenic absorbing aerosols on clouds and precipitation: A review of recent progresses, Atmospheric Research, 122: 237-249
Wang, C. and R.G. Prinn, 2011: Potential climatic impacts and reliability of large-scale offshore wind farms. Environmental Research Letters, 6(2): 025101
Jeong, G.-R. and C. Wang, 2010: Climate effects of seasonally varying Biomass Burning emitted Carbonaceous Aerosols (BBCA). Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 8373-8389
Wang, C., and R.G. Prinn, 2010: Potential climatic impacts and reliability of very large-scale wind farms, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 2053-2061
Wang, C., D. Kim, A.M.L. Ekman, M. C. Barth, and P. Rasch, 2009: The impact of anthropogenic aerosols on Indian summer monsoon, Geophysical Research Letters, 36(21): L21704
Huang, J., A. Adams, C. Zhang, and C. Wang, 2009: Black Carbon and West African Monsoon precipitation: observations and simulations, Annales Geophysicae, 27: 4171-4181
Wang, C., 2009: The sensitivity of tropical convective precipitation to the direct radiative forcings of black carbon aerosols emitted from major regions. Ann. Geophys, 27, 3705-3711
Wang, C., G.-R. Jeong, and N. Mahowald, 2009: Particulate absorption of solar radiation: anthropogenic aerosols vs. dust. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9(12): 3935-3945
Engström, A., Ekman, A. M. L., Krejci, R., DeReus, M., Ström, J., Wang, C., 2008: Observational and modelling evidence of tropical deep convective clouds as a source of mid-tropospheric accumulation mode aerosols. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L23813