All Publications
Prinn, R.G. (2002)
Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases: Scientific Understanding, Control Options, and Policy Aspects, J. van Ham et al. (eds.), Millpress, Rotterdam, pp. 511-515
Andrews, T.D. and B.S. Felzer (2015)
PLoS ONE, 10(12): e0144416 (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144416)
Santer, B.D., C. Bonfils, J.F. Painter, M.D. Zelinka, C. Mears, S. Solomon, G.A. Schmidt, J.C. Fyfe, J.N.S. Cole, L. Nazarenko, K.E. Taylor and F.J. Wentz (2014)
Nature Geoscience, doi: 10.1038/ngeo2098
Balshi, M.S., A.D. McGuire, P. Duffy, M. Flannigan, D.W. Kicklighter and J. Melillo (2009)
Global Change Biology, 15(6): 1491-1510
Webster, M., P. Donohoo and B. Palmintier (2013)
Nature Climate Change, 3, 1029–1032
Alvarado, M.J., and R.G. Prinn (2006)
Eos Transactions, 87(52), Abstract A31F-03
Bennington,V., G.A. McKinley, S. Dutkiewicz and D. Ullman (2009)
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 23, GB3002
Reilly, J. (1999)
World Bank Research Observer, 14(2): 295-305
Jacoby, H.D., R. Schmalensee and D.M. Reiner (1997)
Conference Volume, IPIEC Symposium on the Critical Issues in the Economics of Climate Change B.P. Flannery et al. (eds.)
Jacoby, H.D., R. Schmalensee and D.M. Reiner (1997)
Critical Issues in the Economics of Climate Change, B. Flannery et al. (editors), International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association, London
Mears, C.A., C.E. Forest, R.W. Spencer, R.S. Vose and R.W. Reynolds (2006)
Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere: Steps for Understanding and Reconciling Differences, T. Karl et al. (eds.), U.S. Climate Change Science Program, Subcommittee on Global Change Research, Synthesis and Assessment Product 1.1, Washington, Chapter 4, pp. 71-88
Deutch, J. (2007)
Chemical Technology, February, pp. 16-21