Water is an essential ingredient for the prosperity, health, and sustainability of a continually changing, complex, and globally-linked society.
These changes and complexities create fundamental limits to prediction that necessitate a risk-based, integrated, and quantitative approach. Now more than ever, decisions to meet environmental and societal challenges in the coming decades must be informed by integrated, socio-economic and science-based predictions.
The workshop welcomes participants to engage in an interactive dialogue with the team of water-resource researchers at the MIT Joint Program on the Science & Policy of Global Change. Featured presentations and ensuing discussions will highlight key elements of our active research and explore opportunities for our researchers & sponsors to pursue frontiers in critical research arenas.
9:15a - Global Water Models: Historical Perspective, Comparison, and Capabilities
10:00a - Modeling, Limits-to-Prediction, and Projecting Risk from Change
11:00a - Decision-Making for Water Resources Under Uncertainty
1:00p - Focus Areas of Water Research: Water Stress/Scarcity/Availability
1:30p - Focus Areas of Water Research: Water Quality
2:00p - Focus Areas of Water Research: Water for Energy
2:30p - Focus Areas of Water Research: Water for Agriculture
3:00p - Mitigation and Adaptation Amidst Changes in Water-Energy-Food Nexus
3:45p - Open Discussion: Recognizing Challenges, Setting Priorities, and Supporting Research and Investment Opportunities
Featured MIT researchers:
Dr. Ken Strzepek • Dr. C. Adam Schlosser • Dr. Brent Boehlert • Sarah Fletcher • Dr. Xiang Gao • Dr. Niven Winchester
Detailed agenda, speaker profiles & location map