Janelle Knox-Hayes

Lister Brothers Associate Professor of Economic Geography and Planning, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Associate Professor of Economic Geography and Planning
Lister Brothers Career Development Chair


Prof. Knox-Hayes examines the ways in which social and environmental systems are governed under changing temporal and spatial scales as a consequence of globalization. She has conducted extensive research in the United States, Europe and the Asia-Pacific on the use of market mechanisms to govern climate change. In addition she has studied how individuals and organizations plan and make decisions under conditions of socio-economic uncertainty. Her latest project examines how social values shape sustainable development in the Arctic. Prof. Knox-Hayes has been the recipient of an SSRC Abe Fellowship for study of environmental finance in the Asia-Pacific and a Fulbright Fellowship for study of sustainable decision-making in Iceland.

Selected Publications:

Knox-Hayes, J. (2016). The Cultures of Markets: The Political Economy of Climate Governance. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Knox-Hayes J. and J. Hayes. 2014. “Technocratic Norms, Political Culture and Climate Change Governance.” Geografiska Annaler B, 96 (3): 261-276.

Hayes, J. and J. Knox-Hayes. 2014. “The Role of Security in the Construction of Climate Change Policy in Europe and the United States.” Global Environmental Politics, 14 (2): 82-101.

Knox-Hayes, J. 2013. “The spatial and temporal dynamics of value in financialization: analysis of the infrastructure of carbon markets.” Geoforum, 50 (December 2013): 117–128.

Knox-Hayes, J., M. Brown, B. Sovacool, and Y. Wang. 2013. “Understanding Attitudes toward Energy Security: Results of a Cross-National Survey.” Global Environmental Change, 23 (2013): 609–622.

Bansal, P. and J. Knox-Hayes. 2013. “The Time and Space of Materiality in Organizations and the Environment.” Organization and Environment, 26(1): 61-82.

Additional Publications: https://jankh.mit.edu/publications

Education & Credentials

B.A., Ecology, International Relations, and Japanese Language and Civilizations, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2004
MSc., Nature, Society and Environmental Policy, University of Oxford, 2006
DPhil., Economic Geography, University of Oxford, 2009