News Releases
News Release
MIT Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
One of 471 scientists, engineers and innovators to be recognized for their scientifically and socially distinguished achievements (MIT Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences)
News Release
Study shows how ‘optimized’ diets could reduce malnutrition and environmental degradation
News Release
Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev speaks on rethinking climate metrics
News Release
Study co-authored by MIT CS3 researchers highlights pathways favorable to multiple economic sectors and income groups
News Release
First workshop explores concept and potential research directions
News Release
MIT News
Study co-authored by MIT Professor/CS3 faculty affiliate Susan Solomon shows with high statistical confidence that ozone recovery is going strong (MIT News) (Coverage: The Weather Channel,, Yahoo)
News Release
MIT Energy Initiative
MIT Energy Initiative Senior Research Engineer/CS3 faculty affiliate Howard Herzog discusses innovative ways to extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and their challenges (MIT Energy Initiative)
News Release
MIT CS3 Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev helps formulate government’s carbon capture action plan
News Release
MIT News
MIT President Sally Kornbluth discusses glacier-related sea-level rise and potential mitigation solutions with geophysicist Brent Minchew (MIT News)
News Release
Modeling improvements needed to provide more reliable guidance to decision-makers, finds MIT CS3-led study
News Release
MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
MIT Assistant Professor/CS3 faculty affiliate César Terrer discusses pioneering volcano research to track carbon dynamics in tropical forests (MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
News Release
MIT News
MIT CS3-affiliated oceanographer and biogeochemist Andrew Babbin has voyaged around the globe to investigate marine microbes and their influence on ocean health (MIT News)