Sebastian Eastham

Senior Lecturer in Aviation, Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London

Earth Systems, Policy Scenarios, Climate Policy, Air Quality & Health, Multi-Sector Dynamics


Seb Eastham is the Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Aviation in the Department of Aeronautics, at Imperial College London, and a member of the Brahmal Vasudevan Institute for Sustainable Aviation. His research is dedicated to understanding how the aerospace sector affects the environment, and identifying new ways to mitigate those impacts so that we can continue to enjoy the benefits of the sector without the environmental costs.

Seb was formerly a principal research scientist at MIT. He received his PhD in Aeronautical Engineering at MIT in 2015, followed by a two year postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard in the Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling Group, supported jointly by the Harvard University Center for the Environment and by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate and Global Change program. He joined the MIT Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment as a research scientist in 2017 before moving to the CS3's predecessor, the Center for Global Change Science in 2022.

Education & Credentials

PhD in Aeronautical Engineering, MIT