Archived project

Economic analysis of the Hard-to-Abate Sectors in India

This project assesses the participation and contribution of India’s hard-to-abate sectors (such as cement, iron and steel, chemicals, refineries and fertilizer production) to the country’s decarbonization efforts. The project identifies existing emissions contributions of hard-to-abate sectors in India and their likely future trajectory of development under the currently proposed policy regime. To understand the near-term (i.e., up to 2030) options for emissions reduction in hard-to-abate sectors, the project assesses their potential for improved energy efficiency, accelerated electrification, and a larger share of natural gas usage. To evaluate medium-term (i.e., up to 2050) options, the project simultaneously considers several advanced technologies related to CCS and/or alternative fuels and feedstock and assesses long-term policy options to accelerate a transition in these hard-to-abate sectors.

Project leaders
Administration, Faculty
MIT Center for Sustainability Science and Strategy; MIT Energy Initiative