All Publications
O'Gorman, P.A. (2010)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(45): 19176-80
Babiker, M.H. & R.S. Eckaus (2007)
Environmental Science and Policy, 10(7-8): 600-609
Ellerman, A.D., B. Buchner and C. Carraro (2007)
Allocation in the European Emissions Trading Scheme: Rights, Rents, and Fairness, A.D. Ellerman, B.K. Buchner, C. Carraro (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 448 p.
Mayer, M., C. Wang, M. Babiker, M. Webster, R. Hyman, J. Reilly and R. Prinn (2000)
Eos Transactions, 81(48): F172, Abstract A22E-01
Ellerman, A.D. (2007)
CESifo DICE Report: J. of Institutional Comparisons, 4: 13-16
Brix, H., D. Menemenlis, C. Hill, S. Dutkiewicz, O. Jahn, D. Wang, K. Bowman and H. Zhang (2015)
Ocean Modelling, 95(November 2015): 1–14
Reilly, J, J. Melillo, Y. Cai, D. Kicklighter, A. Gurgel, S. Paltsev, T. Cronin, A. Sokolov, A Schlosser (2012)
Environmental Science and Technology, 46(11): 5572-5679
Ashenfelter, O., and M. Greenstone (2004)
J. of Political Economy, 112(no.1, pt. 2): 226-267
Alhajeri, N.S., P. Donohoo, A.S. Stillwell, C.W. King, M.D. Webster, M.E. Webber and D.T. Allen (2011)
Environmental Research Letters, 6(4): 044018
Forest, C.E., P.H. Stone, A.P. Sokolov and M.R. Allen (2000)
Eos Transactions, 81(48): F101-102
Dutkiewicz, S. M. Follows & J. Bragg (2008)
Conference Proceedings, AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting
Schafer, A., and H.D. Jacoby (2006)
Energy Policy, 34(9): 975-985