All Publications
Panday, A., and R. Prinn (2009)
Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D09305
Korty, R. L., and K. A. Emanuel (2007)
Journal of Climate, 20(21): 5213-5228.
Lévy, M., O. Jahn, S. Dutkiewicz, M.J. Follows and F. d'Ovidio (2015)
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2: 20150481 (doi:10.1098/rsif.2015.0481)
Babiker, M., and T. Rutherford (2005)
Energy Journal, 26(4): 99-125
Reilly, J.M., B.S. Felzer, S. Paltsev, J.M. Melillo, R.G. Prinn, C. Wang, A.P. Sokolov and X. Wang (2004)
Eos Transactions, 85(47), ABSTRACT B33A-0239
Reilly, J., B. Felzer, S. Paltsev, J. Melillo, R. Prinn, C. Wang, A. Sokolov and X. Wang (2005)
Symposium NCCR 2005: Interfaces between Climate and Economic Dynamics, Interlaken, Switzerland, 2-4 March
Deschenes, O. and M. Greenstone (2007)
American Economic Review, 97(1): 354-385
Ekman, A.M.L., A. Engstrom and C. Wang (2007)
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 133(627): 1439-1452
Zhuang, Q., J. Melillo, D. Kicklighter, B. Felzer, A. McGuire and R. Prinn (2006)
Conference Proceedings, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting (Memphis, TN, 6-11 August)
Felzer, B.S., M. Williams, Q. Zhuang, J.M. Melillo, D.W. Kicklighter and R.G. Prinn (2004)
Eos Transactions, 85(47) ABSTRACT H53F-02
Webster, M.D., J. Nam, Y. Kimura, H. Jeffries, W. Vizuette and D.T. Allen (2007)
Atmospheric Environment, 41(40): 9580–9593
Lahiri, S., M. Babiker, R.S. Eckaus (2000)
Joint Program Report Series, 14 pages