Special Report

The role of fusion energy in a decarbonized electricity system

Authors include: S. Paltsev, lead investigator; A. Gurgel, contributing author; Y.H.-H. Chen and J. Morris, research advisors (2024)
MIT Energy Initiative, A report from the MIT Energy Initiative in collaboration with the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center

Abstract / Summary:

From MIT News:

For many decades, fusion has been touted as the ultimate source of abundant, clean electricity. Now, as the world faces the need to reduce carbon emissions to prevent catastrophic climate change, making commercial fusion power a reality takes on new importance. In a power system dominated by low-carbon variable renewable energy sources (VREs) such as solar and wind, “firm” electricity sources are needed to kick in whenever demand exceeds supply — for example, when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing and energy storage systems aren’t up to the task. What is the potential role and value of fusion power plants (FPPs) in such a future electric power system — a system that is not only free of carbon emissions but also capable of meeting the dramatically increased global electricity demand expected in the coming decades?

Working together for a year-and-a-half, investigators in the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) and the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC) have been collaborating to answer that question. They found that — depending on its future cost and performance — fusion has the potential to be critically important to decarbonization. Under some conditions, the availability of FPPs could reduce the global cost of decarbonizing by trillions of dollars. More than 25 experts together examined the factors that will impact the deployment of FPPs, including costs, climate policy, operating characteristics, and other factors. They present their findings in a new report funded through MITEI and entitled “The Role of Fusion Energy in a Decarbonized Electricity System.”


Authors include: S. Paltsev, lead investigator; A. Gurgel, contributing author; Y.H.-H. Chen and J. Morris, research advisors (2024): The role of fusion energy in a decarbonized electricity system. MIT Energy Initiative, A report from the MIT Energy Initiative in collaboration with the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center (https://energy.mit.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/MITEI_FusionReport_091124_final_COMPLETE-REPORT_fordistribution.pdf)