Symposium in Honor of Edward N. Lorenz

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 136 Irving Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts

A memorial symposium in honor of Dr. Edward N. Lorenz, the "father of chaos theory and butterfly effect", will feature scientific talks by three prominent colleagues of Dr. Lorenz, personal reminiscences by friends and colleagues, and an evening concert by the MIT Chamber Music Society (Piano Trio No. 2, by Franz Schubert). The guest speakers and lectures are:
- "A Lorenzian Perspective on Weather and Climate Prediction: Towards the Probabilistic Earth-System Model" by Dr. Timothy N. Palmer, European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts;
- "Ed Lorenz's Contributions to our Understanding of the General Circulation" by Prof. Richard Lindzen, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT; and
- "Edward Lorenz and Chaotic Dynamics" by Prof. Mitchell Feigenbaum, Rockefeller University

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